“We spend mid six digits annually with IRG. They easily save us twice what we spend. IRG is one of our facilities' best investments.
~ Integrated Steel Mill Area Manager
“Over the past twelve months, IRG has increased the scheduled uptime of our manufacturing lines by 25+%.” For all practical purposes we have zero hydraulic downtime.”
~ Plant Manager Bar Mill
“After a four week outage of 60 people working six ten hour days, IRG had ZERO safety violations or warnings, completed the project ontime and on budget and everything worked correctly at startup.”
~ Refinery Turn-a-round Manager
“IRG worked with our engineering department to develop and install a turn key retrofit for our Pusher Charger Machine that increased the yield from our ovens. Cost per machine $250,000. Pay back 60 days.
~ Coke Plant Maintenance Engineer
“Within one week IRG resolved a walking beam drift / bounce problem that had been present from installation some 20 plus years ago and had not been successfully resolved by our maintenance or engineering departments nor any of the several outside engineering or hydraulic vendors who were brought in through the years. Cost… Under $5000!”
~ Hot Strip Mill Reliability Engineer
“We were quoted a cost of over $175,000 and 4-6 months to upgrade the reliability and efficiency of our car shredder. Additionally, a 10-14 day installation window would be needed. IRG provided the necessary upgrades for under $25,000 and installed it in one weekend. We have had no issues for over 10 years.”
~ Scrap Metal Facility Site Manager
The IRG hydraulic retrofit dramatically improved our four locomotive's duty cycle of 4-6 hours. We were able to reduce annual maintenance man hours by over 10,000 hours and repair parts cost by over $1,000,000.”
~ Coke Plant Maintenance Engineer
“Our 70 ton straddle carrier had severe overheating problems that were so bad they melted insulation. Additionally, the machine could not be controlled properly resulting in dropped slabs on rail cars. The OEM basically walked away. IRG resolved the issues. The machine runs better than it did when new.”
~ Steel Producing Area Manager