A 60+ year old massive refractory press was to be brought back into production after several years of being decommissioned. It was not known when the last time the press worked correctly. The press was manufactured in Switzerland, there were no hydraulic system prints, most of the component manufacturers were either not in business or had been acquired by larger entities. The press’s main hydraulic controls were integrated into a 48” L x 24” Hgt x 24” W Manifold that included 0ver 120 plugs and 70+ hydraulic controls. There were additional undocumented hydraulic functions added post manufacture.
Present day maintenance and production personnel were consulted so as to determine possible manufacturing sequence and function.
A course of action which can best be described as “Hydraulic Archaeology” included: o Total disassembly of the system and all components.
IRG remained onsite during the startup process and trained maintenance and production personnel in the function, proper maintenance and troubleshooting procedures of all components. The press is reliably functioning