Pusher Charger Tram Drive Reliability

Complex hydraulic retrofit completed in a 12-hour maintenance window.

  • Industry:
    Raw Materials Processing / Steel Industry
  • Equipment:
    500-ton Pusher Charger Tram Vehicles Drive System
  • Services Provided:
    Hydraulic Troubleshooting, Maintenance, and Retrofit
  • Results:
    On time and budget with zero failures since installation
Summary (Problem)

Over the years additional components had been added to a machine that significantly increased the weight of the machine resulting in tram gear reduction and hydraulic drive failures. Some drives required daily coupling bolt re-torquing.

Any retrofit would have to be completed in a 12-hour maintenance window. Any increase in system torque needed to not be at the expense of vehicle/process speed. 

Process and Outcome

The equipment was observed in operation and production and maintenance personnel were consulted as correct operation sequence functions were determined. Upon analyzing the 500-ton vehicle's drive system it was found that the original design components (both gear reductions and couplings) were undersized even before the machine weight had been added to.  

Installation was staged so that the retrofit could be completed in the time allocated.  ∙ Maintenance and production personnel were trained in the function, proper maintenance  and troubleshooting procedures of all components.  


The machine operated within the new drive components' continuous operating parameters in all instances.  The machine's operating speed was identical to its previous performance, and the retrofit installation was installed within the allocated time.  

There have been zero failures since installation.

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